Haven't caught up in some time so here's recent news. New shirts are in the process based off our latest single. I will leave a picture down below of the graphic and there will be a preorder up soon.

We also have a split in the works with Enjoyable Music, cybergrind from Italy that is set to drop soon as well.

Kinda behind on updates

Insect Politics dropped last Friday. I’ll leave a clickable photo down below to download the album

The show last Saturday was a lot of fun. I’ll drop some pictures and video of that down below as well

Click for live video

And finally the cassette release of Leather Teeth is up in the store section

Number 4, baby

So Pillowsnake sent me this and I’m honestly so grateful for the write up


Recuerdos Show

The show at Recuerdos was actually really fun. Aside from it being extremely humid I still had a lot of fun. Here’s some pictures

Update (05/09/19)

So I have a full length that I’ve been working on that got put on the back burner when I decided to work on and release the Leather Teeth EP. I was going to get back on it with the full length but I got a proposition from a good homie of mine, Drinn, who wanted to really draw me up some album art. This combined with a sudden influence yesterday pushed me towards once again placing the full length on the back burner and diving into another short EP. In all fairness, I do already have two songs written out that would fit perfectly with the theme of the new EP. I might write one more or just release it as a small 2 track EP. I haven’t gotten that far into it yet. The full length will come hopefully this year. The biggest issue I’m faced with right now is the album art as I need to find a time of day to capture the photo without drawing the attention of police (it’s nothing illegal just a little strange). Wish me luck

Update (05/07/19)

So it came in a few days ago. My copy of the final issue of Maximum RockNRoll. It was very surreal to see my name in there. I still am so grateful to have gotten a short write up. I’ve been pushing this project for almost 12 years now and I’ve put so much into it. I take any little victories that I can get.

Update (4/20/2019)

So I decided to drop a surprise EP in memory of some of the friends I’ve lost over the years. I felt like the name Leather Teeth was appropriate. Please take care of yourself and your friends. I know I talk a lot of shit but, on the real, y’all take care of each other and enjoy the album.

Show update from 4/5/2019 (4/10/2019)

Late update but the show was a success...kinda. Upon arriving I realized chairs in rows facing the stage and I had two thoughts. This is gonna suck or let’s run with this. I chose the latter. So as my set raged on I was throwing myself on top of unsuspecting seated watchers, I was bulldozing empty chairs as well as people sitting in them, I got blood on a lot of the floor (fake blood) and I apparently knocked over someone’s pie and they weren’t to happy about it. Regardless, I put on one hell of a set and I got cheers and claps through some songs. The final song was the hardest. I dedicated it to the musician friends I had lost over the years as well as a recent loss. It was hard not to cry but I stuck it out and even got some “nice set” and fist bumps after it was all over. Didn’t get any video, unfortunately, but there is this one badass picture my girlfriend took.

Current news (3/29/2019)

I was informed last night that I will be mentioned in the final physical copy of Maximum Rocknroll. It's bitter sweet as I am getting great exposure, however, it will be the last physical issue. Unfortunately, we live in a digital age and this isn't out of the ordinary. Regardless I am still excited and very grateful to Andres Sanchez who did the scene report on the different faces of valley punk for MRR.

Album news (3/29/2019)

I am currently working on a new album. I've been playing with a title that I might keep and I have an idea for an album cover in which I had to check the legality of taking the photo but it's totally legal (as far as I'm concerned). Still gonna take make it a quick shot and haul ass. I'm 2 songs deep right now. Trying new things for this album. Pretty excited to finish this one and get it released.